If you are being charged with having committed a sexual offense against a child, you will need serious legal representation from a skilled defense. One such sex crime is child molestation, which is when an adult uses a child for sexual stimulation or gratification.

This can include many forms of sexual abuse such as actual physical contact or the verbal saying of sexually suggestive things to a child—even if they are not acted upon. Additionally, exposing oneself to a child for sexual stimulation is yet another form of sexual child abuse.

Sexual child abuse is usually punishable with 3, 6, or 8 years in prison, depending upon the circumstances. You may be assessed monetary fines in the tens of thousands of dollars. Someone convicted of molestation will also be required to register as a sex offender, which can severely limit your future by limiting opportunities regarding housing, employment, and more.

Other forms of child sex crimes include the following:

Aggressive Defense from an Aggressive Lawyer

Okabe & Haushalter is a top-rated legal firm experienced in sex crime cases. We know how controversial a case involving a child can be, and we are dedicated to helping our clients minimize the damage of becoming associated with this kind of crime. Our attorneys can determine if you may have a chance at having your charges reduced or dropped. There are many defenses that can be effectively used to avoid a conviction of this nature; with our guidance and aggressive representation, you may be able to retain your normal life, free from a sex crime conviction. Contact a San Francisco child sex abuse attorney from our firm today if you are being charged with a sex crime involving a child. Our firm may be able to help you.

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